Friday, May 28, 2010

[How I define: Graphic Designing & Photography]

I define Graphic Design simply as the process of combining text and graphics to convey important information and effective messages.    

Graphic Design consist of many visual communicative aides, such as designs of logo’s, billboards, posters, signs, brochures, business cards, newsletters, to identify special Groups, Programs, businesses or promotions ie., Cd Covers, T-Shirts, and Flyers for concerts, parties, and meetings not limited to wedding and baby shower invitations.

Graphic Designing is really exciting for me because my designs incorporate my favorite hobby which is Photography so I not only get to add a bit of my soul to my designs and  you take with you “a piece of me”.


A Graphically Designed Brochure is: “A brochure that makes usually boring things seem exciting or a business card that entices the customer to call instead of toss it away. Clients, owe at least part of their success to good Graphic Design it doesn’t matter if it was created with the newest or oldest software or  a “Crayon”.

Graphic Design/Art also includes various types of “fonts”. Many products and distributing companies for example; computer companies such as Hewlette Packard, Toshiba, Dell, Compaq and many other names that go unmentioned have used different types of Fonts to distinguish their products.

“Logo’s that require much attention are those that have bright colors, the color levels need much attention. Cute icons, 3D effects, shiny surfaces, shadows and reflections and fonts are simple. In some cases the color levels, shines and 3D effects are also applied afterward.”

These effects must be used very carefully, because there have been countless cases where a logo designer uses these elements to make a logo but neglects to give the concept the necessary attention it deserves. 


Transparency in Design has always been fashionable Transparency communicates elegance and allows a combination of different design elements offering the viewer a special image.

With the help of transparency I am able to incorporate my photography into my designs. Creating perspectives of connection with the ideas of growth and development.

With transparency as in the above photo/design I have given you an idea of what one photograph’s colors can do when it is layered over another to give a different perspective. Giving it life rather than a dull photo of a flower you see one of many colors rather than one. With the transparency effect photographers for many years have added wedding photo’s of couples hands in the middle of a rose, or the couples faces in a glass, special effects and transparency allows much more depth to a photo and design.

You can take a photo of a house and a beach and combine the two and make it look as if the house is sitting on the shore of the beach with transparency and layers

This is what Graphic Design and Photography has done for me and what it means to me. It has opened up a whole new world that i now can share with you!! xoxo


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